Friday, November 10, 2006

our second home

well, its been quite fun getting settled in our flat. Moving into a home that is already furnished is so much easier! I've filled most of my time cleaning and shopping for random things. It took me about 4 days to find ground cinnamon. I purchased some meat from the local butcher, that was kind of fun. And tonight I ate cod for the first time, and I wasn't even grossed out preparing the fish! It was quite good.

I think today was definitely the coldest, or should I say the wind was the coldest its been. I felt like the skin on my face had this layer of frozen film covering it. Who knows how many miles I walked today. I don't bother with the buses anymore, I just keep walking and if I get tired I stop for some soup in a to go coffee cup and then I'm on my way. The soups are just amazing here by the way, I think I've mentioned that, but seriously, they are just so flavorful and diverse!

I've continued to study for my board exam at Starbucks. I must admit...its odd to be studying when I am not actually attending a school, or working for that matter. Fortunately, I am actually enjoying the studying process...for now at least. As for work, I still have no idea what's going to happen. It's amazing how many random connections I have here, so we'll see...most recently I've been exploring the possibility of doing some teaching at a university...which, wow...I don't know, that could be crazy!

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So, the photo above depicts our view when we walk about 5 minutes from our flat. In the other direction are lots of fun coffee shops and restaurants (one pictured below, previously mentioned by kyle, however, he called it something else because he can't ever say the name right :) I think we are actually heading to one of the cafes for breakfast in the morning.

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As you could imagine, life is definitely different here. I think we are learning more and more about one another, and how we feel out of our comfort zones...but we definitely feel blessed to be here and are excited what these next few years will teach us. We miss you all so much!


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