Thursday, February 15, 2007

A sad day

Well, after many happy days, and after taking a lot of great pictures - Kelli and I had to put our digital camera to rest the other day. It was a sad moment, particularly because the camera was for free.

Sometime in New York, our little camera saw a glimpse of light and tried to make a run for it, or actually, more of a dive for it. After falling directly on the lens, there was no hope. Leaving the lack of hope aside, I attempted surgery. I'm not going to lie, there was sparking. Unfortunately, the sparking was not an attempt to use a defibrillator on the little guy, but might have had something to do with the rather large capacitor that powered the flash.

In any case, it was a lost cause. It was a good little camera, and it will be deeply missed. So, in honor of the bravery of our little 6 megapixal sony, we are going to take a moment of silence, and by silence I mean we are not going to have any pictures on this blog.

Be nice to your camera. One day, at a glimpse of freedom, it might jump.


At 5:09 AM, Blogger Alison Strobel Morrow said...

Oh noooo! What a shame! I'm sorry to hear that. :( My old 35mm took quite a few dives for freedom during my Europe-hopping days, but thanks to it's unsophistication, it never seemed to be affected.

Well, now we know what to get you for your birthdays... :)

At 8:37 PM, Blogger Leslie Strobel said...

What a sad day this is!
I depend on your picture taking to get a feel for your days in Scotland!
Not to mention the fact that dad and I were counting on you to take our pics while we are visiting next week!!
Whatever shall we do???


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