Sunday, December 03, 2006

Wind and Pudding

So, there has definitely been a change in weather in Aberdeen. It hasn't actually gotten much colder, but the wind has stepped up its force to a whole new level. This brings about several mostly undesired affects: First, when I or Kelli (or anyone probably) walk past the construction site we get pelted by grit and rocks - which is never that great of a time. The wind is so forceful that it will actually cause you to step sideways or back a step so that you don't get knocked over, and things tend to fly off of you or into you and it is really kind of odd.

That said, this poses a whole new dilemma for me. On the one had, because of my sheer mass, I have a good amount of momentum when I walk and enough mass to keep me grounded. As I was walking home I was thinking that if I was lighter it would be hard to walk forward. But then, the realization also hit me that because of my mass I am like the main sail on the Black Pearl. I am about as aerodynamic as a drive-in movie screen. While losing weight would make me light it might also provide the added benefit of slicing through the wind. Anyway, it has been interesting.

We also took a walk downtown to check out the lights, which was fun. It was also windy. Other than that, things have been going really well. We are enjoying our time here and have some good friends around to help us through it all. Kelli had the chance to lecture again, and the door was opened for further lectures which is really good. She has become quite the cook, and is making Yorkshire Pudding again for some friends of ours. Because we know you love the pics here are some random ones.


At 4:15 AM, Blogger Alison Strobel Morrow said...

Oh my gosh, Kyle, I am rolling..."as aerodynamic as a drive in movie screen." That is hi.lar.i.ous. And yeah, gotta love that wind. One night in Glasgow it sounded like there was a tornado outside, the wind was that strong, and the next day there were trees knocked down in the park. INSANE.

At 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the Christmas lights, love the pic of Kelli in the wind, LOVE the looks of that pudding! I hear you guys are coming home for Christmas. Happy holidays!

At 5:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and that 2007 is full of joy and blessings for you both! Enjoy your Aberdeen adventure!


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