You know it is time to end the travels when every one you see tells you how tired you look, and how crazy you are for embarking on your current adventure. As you can see by the look on Kyle's face above, yes, we are tired, and yes we know we are crazy. However, there have been some great times with friends and family. So we'll just blog about the good stuff, and spare you the craziness of packing and logistical junk.
We, of course, manage to sneak in a few (0r many) coffee breaks. The picture above was taken in San Luis Obispo. I'm sure a few of you can guess the location...
While we were both working, packing and saying good-bye to as many people as we could, we also had to sell Kyle's car. This was a bittersweet moment. Kyle loves his car. We kept it since we moved to Scotland and our brother-in-law was driving it. But now that the family is all moving away, it was best to sell the car. In the end, we are both glad that we won't have to worry about it any longer, and he is excited that a Maxima enthusiast bought the car and will keep it going.
(Kyle speaking) It is not exaggerated to say that these trips wear us out more than anything else we do (we often feel like we need a vacation afterwards), but we do relish at the opportunity to see friends and family (even if not all of them) for a short while as we pack up and relocate our belongings (and on this trip, work most of the time). As much as we love life in Scotland and our friends there who have become such a central part of our life, we both long to be back and maybe more importantly, settled for a change (Lord willing). This is only heightened by seeing all of the little ones we've come to love grow up so much in between our trips.