Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Driving to, in, and on the Borders.

I did a lot of driving over the weekend. Driving in Scotland is always interesting, but especially so when you head off the beaten track a bit. As you will see, we were on a lot of one-track roads where you pray that no one will be coming the other direction. We did have a moment when an SUV had to back up about 20 yards to a point where they could pull up on the grass a bit so that we could get by.

We also had some problems with random road closings. We've never had too hard a time getting around, but this trip was filled with some of the worst signed areas I've ever been in. We would stay on the road we were supposed to take and it would change directions without offering any signage to explain this oddity. We spent a lot of time with a map out taking tiny little "b" roads (which I'm convinced stands for "Bad") trying to get back to a main road somewhere.

What you've never short of when driving around Scotland is beauty. We really like these old bridges, and they seem to have them everywhere.

At one point we were driving down a road and saw a sign that said "Welcome to England," which we thought was a bit odd. As we drove we seemed to dart in and out of Scotland and England until we saw this welcome sign back to Scotland. I've never driven down to England before!

Pictures can't do justice to the kind of roads we were on. It was like a commercial for a high end sports car weaving around hairpin turns for about an hour the first day we were down there. In order to keep this blog from being too long, we've decided to show you some pics of random distractions (lawn mowing, our car, and some of the sights we saw along the way) Enjoy!


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