Friday, August 14, 2009

New Office Space

As some of you know, the month after we got back to Scotland was a bit crazy. We immediately went out of town after we got back for a little R and R, and then I found out I had to pack up my office because they were moving me, and then Kent came into town for his viva. In the end, it all worked out well. We had a blast on the West Coast, I like my new office, and it was great seeing Kent and being with him as he finished up.

We thought that this would be a good time (since we are currently out of town and have scheduled this post to post when we were gone), to give a brief update about my progress and new office. Sometimes we forget why we're out here in the first place!

Here is the building I am in. We sit on high street right when it turns into College Bounds. This is one of the original old Aberdeen streets (as you will see from the cobblestone) and is the main street running through the University. My window is the window at the very top on the left.

Here is the view from inside my office looking out that same window you just saw. It is nice having a window. For the last 3 years I've only had a skylight, so it is nice to watch the rain, see the trees blow around in the breeze, etc.

Here is the view if you look out my window to the left... is the view if you look to the right.

This is where you find me most days, around 8:30 most mornings and leaving around 4:30 most days. My progress has been steady, which is encouraging. I just handed in another section this week, which is always exciting, and I wrote it really quickly (we'll see how good it is). My current goal is to have a rough draft of the dissertation done before we go home for Christmas break. This is possible, but will mean some serious work between now and then. I want to finish my last chapter by mid-September, and then go back and do some serious edits on the second to last chapter.

At this stage of the game it is a difficult balance to say all that you need to say, and to say it in less than 100,000 words. Not as easy as one might think. Fortunately, God has been extremely gracious to us in the whole process, and I am still excited and motivated with the whole thing. For many people that isn't the case. That being said, we are starting, more and more, to think about where God will lead us next, and in the midst of it all trying to make sure we are very present here in Aberdeen this year, enjoying the time we know we'll have here.


At 6:15 PM, Blogger Leslie Strobel said...

Thanks for the pics of your office Kyle!
We love to be able to imagine what you are doing during your days and this helps!

Now maybe some pics of Kelli doing her her cubicle, clinic or eventual classroom!
OK, not as easy to do but still fun to have something to see and imagine!

At 12:13 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Very cool views from your office. Just don't gaze out the window too much! (I know you won't; your progress has been great!) Dad

At 5:55 AM, Blogger The Sipes Family said...

Look at the perfect P's both checking in and showing how proud. I miss you guys alot and want to see you sometime.


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